Food for All
Providing food for people in need and helping people to eat well on a budget.
TM&C are working with several partners across the region, supporting families with their day-to-day shopping.
Eco Shops are pop-up shops in communities and schools that help tackle growing levels of surplus and food waste from the food system while also meeting a local need for the increasing number of families suffering food insecurity. High quality ‘good to eat’ surplus food that was destined for the supermarket shelf is delivered by FareShare NE, who are part of a global movement redistributing fresh from the food industry which would otherwise go to landfill.
Eco Shops make a wide range of high-quality supermarket food and drink available, including tins, jars, packets, bottles, and seasonal fresh fruit and vegetables. Some Eco Shops also stock chilled and frozen food. People can visit an Eco Shop with their own shopping bag and for a small donation of £2 or £3 they can choose 10 or more items of their choice. Usually, fresh fruit and vegetables are free with your shop.
Eco Shops are empowering local people and organisations to come together and make a difference to tackling food waste both locally within their community, and globally. To find out more about Eco Shops please visit
Middlesbrough Foodbank
Middlesbrough Foodbank was the first new project that developed alongside the launch of TMC in 2012. Part of the Trussell Trust network of foodbanks, it has distribution centres in churches across Middlesbrough and receives support from over 100 churches and organisations locally and across North Yorkshire. Middlesbrough Foodbank works in partnership with a wide range of agencies who refer individuals and families facing food poverty. All food is donated and the project relies on volunteers and the generous giving of local people if you want to offer support you can find out how here.
Redcar Area Foodbank
Redcar Area Foodbank is also part of the Trussell Trust network of food banks and is one of the projects of Footprints in the Community. The foodbank provides 3 days emergency food & support to people who are referred via frontline agencies. At foodbanks, clients receive a listening ear and are signposted to other organisations, which may be able to help with on-going support. Some foodbanks may also offer a snack and refreshments. Foodbank clients are welcome at any of the Distribution Centres across the Redcar Area, details are on the website. All food is donated and the project relies on volunteers and the generous giving of local people if you want to offer support you can find out how here.
Next Step Shop
The Next Step Shop is the ideal ‘next step ’for many food bank clients, helping them to get back on their feet after a crisis period. It is a subsidised members' shop, which is a project of Footprints in the Community. Members pay £2.50 per week and can visit the shop once a week to select 10 items of groceries with a retail value of approximately £10. Food is subject to availability and there is no guarantee which produce will be in the store.